How we got started

About six years ago I stumbled onto award travel. My wife and I enjoyed traveling, but were somewhat limited in the same way everyone is, BUDGET. We could afford a nice vacation about every other year and we alternated that with a smaller trip (usually to go see family). It was before one of our bigger trips (Mauritius) that I thought there had to be a better way than always paying retail. Maybe we could save a few bucks or earn enough points for a trip to see my parents once a year.

What I discovered was a whole different world. After hours and hours of research and studying I approached my wife with this idea of “travel hacking.” She was a bit skeptical, but agreed to trust me.

We dove in head first, made a few mistakes, but kept learning. Since that day we’ve earned well over 2 million miles and points (probably more). We’ve flown over 100,000 miles around the world just using points. Our only limitation has been paid time off.

Our family travels exclusively on points

We have since added a third person to our travels. Our son, now five years old, gets to go on some of our adventures (other times he gets to play with his grandparents while we go off on our own). Having a child hasn’t slowed us down a bit. If anything it has created a new reason to explore as we try to expand his horizons. We love watching him experience new cultures!

Exploring Machu Picchu at 21 months old

Now I’ve decided to take the knowledge I’ve gained over these last few years and put them to use for others. Let me do the dirty work of finding the best redemptions and routings so that you can enjoy your vacations and travel in luxury.


2 thoughts on “How we got started

  1. Truly have benefited from your expertise. Working to build points for our next experience

    1. Thank you! I know you’ll have a great time on your Band of Brothers tour this fall. Let me know what your next adventure will be and I’ll help get you on your way!

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